Webteam update
Greetings from the freshly updated IGDA Finland webteam! Miikka Luotio has now become the editor-in-chief, and simultaneously our former webmaster Teemu Haila is promoted to Miikka's place as a web coordinator. We are therefore pleased to announce that we have gained a new webmaster in our posse: Juho Hartikainen!
Juho is a Finnish dude living in Tampere and finishing up his second year of interaction design studies, which consist of designing varying fields of interactive media such as the web, games and interfaces. He has provided some background support for IGDA Finland in the past (logo design, website graphics, meeting doorshifts), and is now carrying out his school traineeship. Alongside his webmaster supervisor Teemu Haila, Juho is one of the co-founders of Score, the Finnish student game development club. Aside from his studies and projects, Juho either consumes movies, games, music, books and other forms of art, or goes creative by photographing, writing, playing piano, making music, drawing, coding or dancing. And yes, you guessed it - he would love to be a game designer some day.