The first ever IGDA Finland Grant goes to the talented End-all Entertainment and their game Paradigm Island!

Paradigm Island is a narrative RPG where everyday surrealism meets dry wit. In this game, you'll discover what kind of person you want to be, unravel a complex mystery by getting to know the people you meet along the way using your chosen skills, all while trying not to get lost in your own mind. 

All in all, we received a total of 24 game submissions, and Paradigm Island stood out as the perfect match for this Grant. Thank you to everyone who applied and shared their feedback! This is our first Grant event and all the feedback has been noted and helps us to improve.


IGDA Finland Grant Intro

It has been a bit over a month since we announced the IGDA Finland Grant. Lots of questions have been asked and a lot of them have been answered, we have also clarified some things.

If you have been unsure if you are eligible for the grant, then have a second look at it or ask us directly.

Thank you to everyone who sent us questions, we want to make this something that can help you in the last steps before release.

Got interested? Click here to find out more!

IGDA Finland Grant is here! 🎉

We’ve been cooking this for a good while but it’s time to take it out and serve it while it’s hot! 🔥🔥
By starting smaller but offering a well rounded opportunity for small and fresh dev teams we think we can help lessen the threshold for people to get that game of theirs out.

This is the first iteration which we hope will become an annual event and can grow with your feedback.

Yet by focusing on a proper package of feedback from industry experts, visibility, a chance to take your game on our stages as well as marketing help from us, it’s more than just about money.

It’s the whole deal and we’re sure you’ll like it!

Yeah, we want to help you to release that game of yours! 🚀
So what are you waiting for? Check out:

IGDA Finland Grant is coming!

IGDA Finland’s first and foremost goal is to support the developers within the Finnish game industry. It’s kind of in our name (International Game Developers Association), after all. The second is to help foster a community where these devs can thrive.

We do this in many different ways

  • 📆Monthly Meetups across Finland

  • 🤝Collaborating with other orgs within the industry

  • 🧠Help share knowledge and experience among the community

And now with the IGDA Finland Grant!

The idea is to go to the source and help indie devs working on their first games.

That’s right, we want to help you to finish that game of yours!

Full details will come out on in the beginning of March!