
* Dave explains the common things/tips to notice when starting a studio or just trying to get into game industry to make games
* Dave moves on explaining goals of XNA
* XNA goals as follows; Make it easier, Establish a vibrant community, low friction publishing channel for community games
* XNA wants to establish itself as a tool to democratize game development
* 700,000 downloads of toolset now, Adopted by more than 300 universities worldwide, More than 400 games (XNA Express 1.0)
* Dave explains XNA as a robust educational platform & shows an example project (Aliens) that works from desktop computer using 360 controller
* Dave explains XNA creators club, starter kit. Example games given with this kit, of all major genres. Shows off template functionality of XNA 2.0 briefly & shows off a template example project that users can dissect and modify freely. He continues showing a just compiled game deployed to 360 console. Looks and works exactly the same way in PC and 360.
* Dave continues to explain minigames and samples provided in starter kit. Variety seems endless here. He shows off how to investigate components of the game in real-time, like a chase-camera and prototype how it works.
* Dave shows off a visual game-like programming app called Boku that was made by Microsoft research, aimed towards kids. Apparently made with XNA, Boku allows you basically to create small games & interaction via a very simple programming interface. Microsoft wanted to use XNA to have fast iteration in the project.
* Dave shows off Schizoid as an example.
* He shows off examples from an XNA Dream.Build.Play competition, no Finland in competition apparently. Many of them games were done by one person or just a very small team. A lot of student projects also.
* Dave said they will be doing the Dream.Build.Play again on December 08.
* Dave showed off a Swedish made game Ragu, again wondering where is Finland. Ragu was one of the games in Dream.Build.Play competition.
* Dave mentions about Imagine Cup 2008, a game development contest lobbying students to join since it's only for students. Game development is a new category in Imagine Cup 2008.
* X360 XNA development will be free for students in near future apparently also and not only faculty members.
* Dave thanks the university and wraps up
* Jyri Ranki prepares his presentation > The presentation will be show with video and published to internet later on

* Jyri explains his experience and agenda & the company he comes from
* Jyri briefly goes trough an overview of Finnish game industry companies & famous games made in Finland.
* Jyri moves into explaining about IGDA Finland.
* He explains a basic cut-through of a basic console game development cycle & a sample org.chart with explaining roles in more detail.
* Jyri talks on how to get into the industry and what is required to get in the industry.
Charles Cox

* Game in 60 minutes example
* Charles goes more indepth with XNA 2.0 features
* Button press deployment to XBOX360, builds and transfers it.
* Allows you to use older "any" version of visual studio
* Button press WINDOWS/XBOX live support
* On Windows and XBOX you can store profiles (use it to save game and use other similar features)
* Get the beta at creators.xna.com today! Final version avail. very soon!
* It's a wrap!