IGDA Finland June Gathering and Presentations
/Midsummer is right around the corner and there was just enough time for the season's last IGDA Finland Presentations and Gathering!
IGDA Finland Presentations focused on several important aspects of game design. We had three presenters, the first one being Kai Rosenkranz from Nevigo. He showed us how Articy:Draft, the first professional game design tool, helps with the design process.
At this point the Presentations was hijacked by couple of guys from company called RILBITS who presented us with tools to create merchandise from our games.
Miikka Junnila from Aalto University gave us a lecture on the basics of game design, starting from the definition of a game.
And lastly we got some advanced curriculum from on free-to-play and its impact on game design process at Digital Chocolate.
After the two hour back-to-school we got drink tickets out and had a blast by the courtesy of our sponsor, Grand Cru. They showed us a cool trailer of their upcoming game Supernauts along side mansized logo!
Because this was our last Gathering of the seasons we had something special for the partiers, Oculus Rift and Leap Motion! These cool gadgets were on the floor for everybody to test and experience.
All good things come to and end, although for us this means just a two months rest before we kick off season 2013-2014. Check out the coming Gathering dates HERE!