Winter is coming. After a relaxing summer it’s time to get back on the horse as we start the new season!
Pre-event: Games Outbreak seminar @ Korjaamo, Helsinki

Digital transformation is changing the game market rapidly and Finnish game companies are at the top of this global trend. Come and see how Tekes' new Skene programme will accelerate the growth of the Finnish gaming industry. What's hot in gaming business globally? Find out about the latest gaming trends.
Time: 4.9.2012 klo 12.30-18.00
Place: Korjaamo, Helsinki (Töölönkatu 51 a-b, 00250 Helsinki)
Seminar is organized by Tekes, Neogames and Finpro
Programme and Registration:
Gathering in Bar Cuba!

After the seminar the fun and games continue in this fall’s very first Gathering in Bar Cuba. Our sponsor for the night is Mental Moustache, a game company that has been brewing right under our noses, and Joensuu Science Park. Joensuu Science Park offers services that help small and medium-sized business to develop in the Joensuu region. Mental Moustache is releasing a new game soon, and in the Gathering they are willing to share with us some of their Moustache Mentality in the form of free drinks. The action starts at 7pm. Come ride towards the sunset with us!
IGDA Finland September Gathering
Tuesday, September 4th, 2012 at 7PM
Cuba Bar, Erottaja 4, Helsinki Finland (map: